Chané Wants To Re-shape The Way People Think About Christian Artists With Her Brand New Sigle, “Speak”

Once in a while a bright new talent comes along who makes you sit right up and forces you to pay attention.  Now the time has finally come for the talented songwriter / singer from the Western Cape, CHANÉ to share her talent with South Africa and the rest of the world.  Music critics is of opinion that she will soon be one of South Africa’s bright new stars that will make a break-through in the international market as well. 

She’s been writing songs since she was nine years old and her first radio single, SPEAK, has just been released locally and will hit the international radio circuit soon.  This captavating single was created after spending a fun-filled afternoon of “chasing the sunset” with one of her friends and promises to resonate with listeners of all ages.   The song was produced by the well-known production house, StoneBear & Mayor Records and mastered in New York at one of the most prestigious studios in the world, Sterling Sound by the brilliant mastering engineer, Randy Merril.  He is also responsible for the mastering of the music of some of the most famous singers and stars in the world like Shawn Mendes, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Liam Gallagher, BTS, Imagine Dragons and many others.

Although she initially only wrote three-thirds of the song before chucking it on her ‘scratched out song pile’, it surfaced again about six months later. “I finished the song but didn’t expect much from it at first. But once my producers, Helmut and Lukas, heard the catchy tune, musical extravagance got hold of us all,” explains the singer.

According to CHANÉ, SPEAK is a song of hope and faith. “It is a song about a modern-day Samuel. It came from a place of wanting to hear God’s voice and seeking him through rainy days and journaling alone in coffee shops with questions and my artistic hand to inspire me,” she shares. SPEAK in itself is a testimony of how God uses the very thing that we want to throw away to change our lives.”

The single, with its modern synth pop sound, was created with a diverse audience in mind. “I believe that listeners will enjoy the style of the song, as well as the on-edge statement and melody that it holds. I didn’t want my single to be a typical worship song. The idea is that everyone should be able to enjoy Christian music just as much as they enjoy other genres of music.”

Born in Cape Town and raised in East London and Worcester, CHANÉ currently lives in the Western Cape. Her talent was discovered and nurtured from a very young age, and she decided early on that she wanted to share this incredible gift with all. She used to sing in church growing up and has obtained several music qualifications over the years, including a grade 7 certificate in Classical Guitar from Trinity College and a grade 5 qualification in Acoustic Guitar from Rock school.

When she is not busy writing and recording songs, she works as a project manager at StoneBear and Mayor Records, enjoys painting and sketching as a freelance artist, helps with praise and worship initiatives at several churches locally and abroad and is also involved with a feeding project at Avian Park in Worcester. 

CHANÉ draws inspiration for her music from emotions and stories and says: “I have always been inspired by the realness of humanity that stands alongside my profound faithful and loving God.”

She enjoys listening to various genres and believes that there are different kinds of music for different occasions. “I enjoy listening to jazz, golden oldies and Latin when I am painting and Andrea Bocelli when I am cooking. Worship, as well as Brandon Lake, For King and Country and Taya Smith’s music, can also be found on my playlist.” 

This incredible and inspirational singer’s aim is to reach as many people through her songs as possible. “I plan on making music my career, and putting Jesus at the centre of that,” she says. “I would love to see my music make an impact in people’s lives and re-shape the way we think about Christian solo artists.”

SPEAK is available on all digital platforms. Download it here:

Chané – Speak (photo credit Garreth Barclay)

Chané wil mense se denke rondom christelike sangers verander met die uitreiking van haar splintervuwe enkelsnit, Speak

Elke nou en dan kom daar ‘n blink nuwe talent te vore wat jou laat regop sit, laat snak na jou asem en jou absoluut dwing om notisie te neem. Die Weskaapse liedjieskrywer en sangeres, CHANÉ se tyd het uiteindelik aangebreek om haar talent met Suid-Afrika te deel en kenners meen sy sal verseker binnekort een van Suid-Afrika se blink nuwe sterre word wat internasionaal sal deurbreek.

Sy skryf al liedjies vandat sy nege is en haar eerste radio-enkelsnit, SPEAK, is pas plaaslik uitgereik en dit word ook binnekort internasionaal uitgereik! Hierdie aangrypende nuwe enkelsnit wat geskryf is na ‘n opwindende middag en pragtige sonsondergang saam met een van haar vriende gaan verseker aanklank vind by oud en jonk! Die snit is vervaardig deur die baie bekende produksiehuis, StoneBear & Mayor Records en in New York by een van die bekendste studios in die wêreld, Sterling Sound deur die uiters talentvolle Randi Merril gemeester. Hy is ook verantwoordelik vir die meester van musiek vir bekende sterre soos Shawn Mendes, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Liam Gallagher, BTS, Imagine Dragons en talle ander beroemdes.

Alhoewel sy aanvanklik net drie-derdes van die liedjie klaar geskryf het voordat sy besluit het dat dit nie goed genoeg is nie, het dit ses maande later toevallig weer opgeduik. “Ek het die liedjie toe klaar geskryf, maar nie veel daarvan verwag nie. Dit was eers nadat my vervaardigers, Helmut en Lukas, daarna geluister het en beïndruk was met die lekkerluister-wysie wat ek begin opgewonde raak het,” verduidelik die sangeres.

Volgens CHANÉ is SPEAK ’n liedjie oor geloof en hoop. “Dit is ’n storie oor ’n hedendaagse Samuel en oor om God se stem te hoor. Dit is geïnspireer uit die begeerte om te hoor wat God sê en om Hom raak te sien in die alledaagse dinge rondom my,” deel sy. SPEAK is ’n getuienis van hoe God iets wat jy wil weggooi kan gebruik om jou lewe te verander.”

Die enkelsnit, met sy moderne elektroniese popaanslag, is geskep met ’n groot gehoor in gedagte. “Ek glo dat luisteraars die styl, boodskap en wysie van die liedjie sal geniet. Ek wou nie net ’n tipiese aanbiddingslied vrystel nie. Die idee is dat mense geestelike musiek net soveel moet geniet as wat hulle ander soorte musiek geniet.”

CHANÉ wat in die Kaap gebore is en in Oos-Londen en Worcester grootgeword het, woon tans in die Wes-Kaap. Haar talent is reeds vanaf ’n jong ouderdom ontdek en ontwikkel en sy wou dit nog altyd met mense deel. Sy het gereeld in die kerk gesing toe sy jonger was en oor die jare verskeie musiekkwalifikasies behaal, waaronder ’n graadsewe-sertifikaat in Klassieke Kitaar van Trinity College en ’n graadvyf-kwalifikasie in Akoestiese Kitaar van Rock school.

Wanneer sy nie besig is om musiek te skryf en op te neem nie, werk sy as projekbestuurder by StoneBear and Mayor Records, geniet sy dit om te skilder en te teken as vryskut-kunstenaar, help sy kerke – plaaslik en oorsee – met hulle musiekbediening en is sy betrokke by ’n voedingsprojek in Avian Park in Worcester.

CHANÉ put inspirasie vir haar eie werk uit emosies en stories en sê: “Ek is nog altyd geïnspireer deur die egheid van die mensdom wat langs my diep getroue en liefdevolle God staan.”

Sy geniet dit om na verskillende tipes musiek te luister en glo dat daar iets spesifiek is vir elke geleentheid. “Ek geniet dit om na jazz, goue oues en Latynse musiek te luister wanneer ek skilder en na Andrea Bocelli wanneer ek kook. Gospel, asook Brandon Lake, For King and Country en Taya Smith se musiek, is ook op my speellysie.”

Hierdie ongelooflike en inspirerende sangeres se doelwit is om soveel as moontlik mense met haar musiek te bereik.

My plan is om ’n loopbaan te maak uit musiek, met Jesus as die middelpunt daarvan,” sê sy. “Dit sal vir my wonderlik wees om te sien watter impak my musiek op mense se lewens het en om hulle anders te laat dink oor Christelike sangers.”

SPEAK is nou beskikbaar op alle digitale platforms. Laai dit hier af:

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By Andrew Germishuys

Founder of SAMDB | Actor | Armourer | Tech Enthusiast With over two decades in the film industry, I'm a seasoned actor and skilled armourer. I hold numerous certifications in acting and filmmaking, complemented by degrees and diplomas in IT and technology, giving me a unique blend of creative and technical expertise. When I'm not on set or in the workshop, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming and VR, fuelling my passion for cutting-edge technology. Connect with me: X / Twitter Facebook Instagram Mastodon Threads Explore my work on SAMDB IMDb