Claire Hopkins Releases Positive New Country / Pop Single “Keeper”

The dictionary defines a “keeper” as someone with good qualities, who you can have a long relationship with. This is exactly what singer-songwriter Claire Hopkins found when she met Stuart – her boyfriend and the inspiration behind her first original single.

KEEPER is this beautiful young artist’s first original release, but her third single overall – she released covers of Drunk in May and Undo It in July this year. Her second original track is currently in production and the music video of KEEPER will be available soon.

Titled KEEPER, the country/ pop song tells the story of meeting someone special and knowing on the first date that it is meant to be. “After finally managing to walk away from a turbulent relationship which lasted five years, I felt like I’d completely forgotten who I was,” says the singer. “So, when I met Stuart, I was in complete disbelief that someone like him would be even vaguely interested in me. He is incredibly mature, generous, kind, loving, talented, supportive, and ambitious. We have a lot of fun together and can be ourselves around each other.”

In addition to the single being very personal – “the melody and tempo reflect the fun and laughter we share,” says Claire – KEEPER is also real, raw, and authentic as the lyrics tell the story of how she met the love of her life. She believes that it will be well received by listeners as it is light-hearted, positive, and full of fun. “At a time when we are constantly surrounded by negativity and bad news, my hope is that KEEPER will spread joy and instil hope in others. Most importantly, my wish is that it will make people feel good, even if it’s just for a few minutes.” 

Claire was born in Durban and moved to Johannesburg with her family when she was four. Growing up, she was passionate about music and performance and joined a vocal studio when she was in high school. She recorded her first cover, Adele’s Someone Like You, at the age of seventeen.

Currently busy with an internship in educational psychology, she has an undergraduate degree in Education, two honours degrees (Educational Psychology and Remedial Therapy), and a master’s degree (Educational Psychology).

For Claire, her love for music is closely linked to her passion and career. “As a psychologist, I work with people’s stories, feelings, emotions and life experiences daily. In a similar way, music creates a platform for people to express themselves and tell their stories.”

She adds: “My love for music is multi-dimensional. Firstly, it creates a space to connect with others; secondly, there’s a genre for every mood; thirdly, there is a song for every life experience; and finally, it provides a platform for sharing experiences and expressing yourself. From both an artistic and professional perspective my goal is to uplift, connect with and support those that are in need.”

She is inspired by family and friends, relationships, wanting to both connect with and make others feel good, as well as by the desire to spread joy, hope and positivity. And although she was initially only planning to record a few songs for her family to enjoy, the experience of writing and recording pushed her out of comfort zone and made her realise her artistic potential. It’s been such a rewarding and fulfilling journey, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to develop this side of myself.”

As for her future plans, she says that she is just going with the flow and seeing where life takes her.

KEEPER is now available on all digital platforms. Download it here:

Claire Hopkins Stel Positiewe Nuwe Country / Popsnit “Keeper” Bekend

Volgens Die Woordeboek, is ’n “keeper” iemand met goeie eienskappe waarmee jy ’n blywende verhouding kan hê. Dit is presies wat die sanger en liedjieskrywer, Claire Hopkins, gevind het toe sy haar kêrel Stuart ontmoet het en hy is ook die inspirasie agter haar eerste oorspronklike enkelsnit.

KEEPER is dié beeldskone jong kunstenaar se eerste oorspronklike liedjie, maar haar derde vrystelling – sy het vroeër vanjaar weergawes van Drunk en Undo It uitgereik. Haar tweede oorspronklike snit word reeds vervaardig en ‘n musiekvideo KEEPER sal ook binnekort bekendgestel word.

KEEPER is ’n country-/ popsnit, wat haar stem soos ‘n handskoen pas. Dit gaan daaroor om iemand spesiaal te ontmoet en dadelik te weet dat julle vir mekaar bedoel is. “Nadat ek uiteindelik die moed bymekaar geskraap het om weg te stap van ’n onstuimige vyfjaar lange verhouding, het ek byna heeltemal vergeet wie ek is,” deel sy. “So, toe ek vir Stuart ontmoet het kon ek amper nie glo dat iemand soos hy in my belangstel nie. Hy is baie volwasse, goedhartig, gaaf, liefdevol, ondersteunend en gedrewe. Ons het baie pret saam en kan net onsself wees in mekaar se geselskap.”

Buiten daarvoor dat die liedjie baie persoonlik is, weerspieël die wysie en tempo die pret en geluk wat ons deel,” sê Claire. KEEPER is opreg, rou en outentiek en die lirieke vertel hoe sy die liefde van haar lewe ontmoet het. Sy glo dat dit goed ontvang sal word, juis omdat dit so lighartig, positief en prettig is. “Gedurende ’n tyd waarin ons konstant omring word deur slegte nuus en negatiwiteit, is my wens dat KEEPER vir ander mense hoop en vreugde sal bring. Dit moet luisteraars laat goed voel, al is dit dan nou net vir ’n paar minute.”

Claire is in Durban gebore en het saam met haar gesin na Johannesburg verhuis toe sy vier was. Sy was haar hele lewe lank passievol oor musiek en het reeds op hoërskool professionele sanglesse ontvang. Op sewentien, het sy haar weergawe van Adele se Someone Like You professioneel laat opneem.

Tans is sy besig met haar internskap in Opvoedkundige Sielkunde en spog sy met ’n Onderwysdiploma, twee honneursgrade (Opvoedkundige Sielkunde en Remediërende Terapie) en ’n meestersgraad (Opvoedkundige Sielkunde).

Vir Claire, hou haar liefde vir musiek nou verband met haar loopbaan. “As ’n sielkundige, werk ek daagliks met mense se stories, gevoelens, emosies en ervaringe. Op dieselfde manier, skep musiek ’n platform vir mense om hulleself uit te druk en hulle stories te vertel.”

Sy voeg by: “My liefde vir musiek is multidimensioneel. Eerstens skep dit ’n geleentheid om met ander mense te kommunikeer; tweedens is daar ’n genre vir elke bui; derdens is daar ’n liedjie vir elke lewenservaring; en laastens skep dit ’n platform om jou ervaringe te deel en jouself uit te druk. Vanuit ’n kuns- en professionele perspektief, is my doel om ander te laat goed voel. Ek wil hulle ondersteun en laat besef dat hulle nie alleen is nie.”

Haar familie, vriende en verhoudings inspireer haar, asook die begeerte om vreugde, hoop en positiwiteit te versprei. Alhoewel sy eintlik net ’n paar liedjies wou opneem vir haar familie om te geniet, het die geleentheid om haar eie liedjie te skryf en op te neem haar uit haar gemaksone gedruk en laat besef dat haar musiek potensiaal het. “Dit was sover ’n baie lonende en vervullende reis en ek is dankbaar vir die kans om hierdie aspek van myself te ontwikkel.”

Wat haar planne vir die toekoms aanbetref, verklap sy dat sy dinge gaan vat soos dit kom en kyk waarheen die lewe haar lei.

KEEPER is nou beskikbaar op alle digitale platforms. Kry dit hier:

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By Andrew Germishuys

Founder of SAMDB | Actor | Armourer | Tech Enthusiast With over two decades in the film industry, I'm a seasoned actor and skilled armourer. I hold numerous certifications in acting and filmmaking, complemented by degrees and diplomas in IT and technology, giving me a unique blend of creative and technical expertise. When I'm not on set or in the workshop, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming and VR, fuelling my passion for cutting-edge technology. Connect with me: X / Twitter Facebook Instagram Mastodon Threads Explore my work on SAMDB IMDb