Erik Kruger’s Book “Dangerous” Is Finally Here And Everyone Is Talking About It

This book could not be more timely given the onslaught of threats and challenges that South Africans are currently facing and is an invitation to become a more formidable version of yourself.

The reality of life is that you cannot escape threats. Threats to your business, your relationships, your potential, your health. In fact, everything you love is being threatened. The question is, what will you do about it? “We are all continuously threatened. This might sound depressing, but in reality, it’s an invitation to become a better version of you”, says Erik Kruger, international speaker and author of the new life-changing book, DANGEROUS, that everyone is currently talking about.

How you learn to respond to threats determines the trajectory of your life. If you respond with a lack of force, energy and will, you will most likely end up in a familiar place – survival mode. Many of us know this space all too well.  I have worked with incredible business leaders, sportsmen and sportswomen, professionals and leaders in their fields and everyone – even the most successful among us – end up in survival mode at one time or another”, he continues.

He explains that survival mode is a physical place and state of being. Sometimes starting internally and finding its way to the outside. And sometimes starting externally and making its way inside. According to Erik you cannot always tell from a superficial observation on the outside whether someone is in survival mode or not.  It could be the entrepreneur whose business has come under siege, the single mother who’s about to lose her job, the CEO whose business is thriving, yet his life is falling apart. It could by anyone of us.

In DANGEROUS, which is available in printed and digital format now, Erik explains the difference between those who are dangerous and those who are not.  How it happens that we become harmless, ineffective against the threats that we are facing, thus ending up in survival mode, withdrawn and fragile.  He explains the three different states you could be existing in at any point of time, being harmless, dangerous or reckless.

“Too often, because of what happens around us, we are forced into a corner. Into survival mode. This in itself isn’t a problem except for the fact that survival mode can become an accepted way of operating in the world. We lose our edge, our fight, our bite. As Seth Godin would say – survival is not enough,” he says about the inspiration behind his latest book.

In DANGEROUS, he reveals – through short, concise nuggets of insights drawn from neuroscience, coaching philosophies, and working with exceptional business leaders – how you can become a threat to that which threatens you. A firm believer that adaptability is a skill that should be cultivated and not a passive trait that should only be applied, when necessary, Erik teaches you how to act without fear and how to become dangerous and position yourself for success.

He reminds you that you can do something about the things happening in your life. This includes the decisions that you make, the actions that you take, and the consequences thereof and that you have the opportunity to act in any situation that you find yourself in. You are not the victim. You are not just a passive recipient of the forces of life.  He challenges you to rise to the level of your challenges and then beyond. But he doesn’t expect you to do this alone. Instead, he offers you the tools to embrace courage, intention, and the ability to recalibrate how you think, feel, and act.

“You are being threatened and you must do something about it. It’s not just an option, it’s a responsibility. If you fail to respond to these threats, you fail yourself. You fail your potential. You fail those around you.

Too often when we are faced with hardship, we quit. We consciously or unconsciously choose to be harmless. And a harmless life, is not a life at all. DANGEROUS is a reminder that you can be formidable in the face of uncertainty and when under threat. In fact, you train how you think, feel, and act so you can become a threat to the threat, a danger to the danger. You can be dangerous again”, Erik explains.

DANGEROUS is about taking back control and stepping into your power.  It applies to everyone, from nurses to pastors to parents to CEO’s, entrepreneurs, teachers and couples. We should all be dangerous. We should all act in ways that advance us to overcome the threats that we face. And it just so happens that as we do that, we are also protecting those in our care.

If you want to become effective against the threats in your life, and if you are interested in not only embracing the challenges and obstacles that life places in your path, but in seeing them for the opportunity that they really are, then this book should be your ultimate guide.

“I remember the first time Erik shared his idea of being a danger to the danger and it immediately changed my thought process to step up and step forward into warrior mode – being dangerous has become a constant reminder for when I may fall back into old ways of thinking. I highly recommend you read the book to understand how this will expansively impact your live”.– John Sanei:bestselling author, global keynote speaker and executive advisory.

Dangerous is an invitation to becoming better, stronger, and faster. To becoming Dangerous.


Erik Kruger is an international speaker, author and facilitator that curates and shares insights to help leaders adapt and excel in modern times.

This thought leader co-hosts a popular podcast with best-selling author, John Sanei, called The Expansive.

He holds several qualifications from the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), including a BSc Physiotherapy, a Postgraduate Diploma in Management, and a Master of Management in Business and Executive Coaching.

Over the course of his life, Erik has reinvented himself several times. He went from being a physiotherapist to launching South Africa’s biggest self-development community for men to the work that he does today, a journey that was sparked by his natural ability to finds new ways to communicate old truths.

When he is not traveling for work, Erik enjoys drinking good coffee, good whisky, and a round of golf. He also enjoys hitting the open road for breakfast runs, chilling in front of the Xbox, or going hiking with his dogs.

Erik currently lives in Somerset-West with his wife and German Shepherds.

DANGEROUS is Erik’s second book.

“In a way the book has great timing. Collectively, as humanity, over the past two years we have really

experienced what it has felt like to be in survival mode. And so, it’s my hope that this book will be

the call to action that sets people on the path towards being formidable again. That it’s a reminder

to them that survival mode is not the only option,” he concludes.

DANGEROUS is published by Tracey McDonald Publishers and is available in all bookstores and online now.

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Die Nuwe Boek Waaroor Almal Praat, “Dangerous”, Deur Erik Kruger, Is Eindelk Hier

Hierdie boek se tydsberekening kon nie beter wees nie, veral met die aanslae en uitdagings wat Suid-Afrikaners tans beleef en nooi jou uit om uit oorlewingsmodus te tree en ‘n meer formidabele weergawe van jouself te wees.

Die realiteit van die lewe is dat jy nie van bedreigings kan ontsnap nie; bedreigings vir jou besigheid, jou verhoudings, jou potensiaal en jou gesondheid. Trouens word alles wat jy liefhet bedreig. Die vraag is, wat gaan jy daaromtrent doen? “Ons word almal voortdurend bedreig. Dit mag dalk morbied klink, maar in werklikheid is dit ’n uitnodiging om ’n beter weergawe van jou te word,”Erik Kruger,’n internasionale spreker en die skrywer van die nuwe lewensveranderende boek, DANGEROUS, waaroor almal tans praat.

Hoe jy jouself leer om op dreigemente te reageer, bepaal die verloop van jou lewe. As jy kragloos, energieloos en willoos reageer, sal jy heel waarskynlik op ’n bekende plek beland – oorlewingsmodus. Baie van ons ken hierdie ruimte alte goed. Ek het saam met ongelooflike sakeleiers, sportmanne en sportvroue, professionele persone en leiers in hul velde gewerk en almal – selfs die suksesvolstes onder ons – beland een of ander tyd in oorlewingsmodus,” gaan hy voort.

Hy verduidelik dat oorlewingsmodus ’n fisiese plek en toestand van bestaan is. Dit begin soms binne en vloei dan uit na die oppervlak, of andersom. Volgens Erik kan jy nie altyd uit ’n oppervlakkige waarneming aan die buitekant sê of iemand in oorlewingsmodus is of nie. Dit kan die entrepreneur wees wie se besigheid in die spervuur is, die enkelma wat op die punt staan om haar werk te verloor, die uitvoerende hoof met die florerende besigheid wie se lewe uitmekaar val. Dit kan met enigeen van ons gebeur.

In DANGEROUS, wat nou in gedrukte en digitale formaat beskikbaar is, verduidelik Erik die verskil tussen diegene wat gevaarlik en diegene wat skadeloos is. Hoe dit gebeur dat ons onskadelik en oneffektief raak teen die bedreigings wat ons in die gesig staar, en sodoende – teruggetrokke en broos – in oorlewingsmodus beland. Hy verduidelik die drie verskillende toestande waarin jy op enige tydstip kan bestaan, onskadelik, gevaarlik of roekeloos.

Ons word baiekeer in ’n hoek gedryf deur dit wat rondom ons gebeur. Dan verval ons in ’n oorlewingsmodus en word dit die manier waarop ons die wêreld benader. Ons verloor ons dryfkrag, veggees en motivering. Maar soos Seth Godin sou sê – is dit nie genoeg om net te oorleef nie,” deel hy oor die inspirasie agter sy nuutste boek.

In DANGEROUS deel hy – deur middel van kort insiggewende brokkies, wat versamel is uit neuro-wetenskappe, afrigtingsriglyne en kontak met uitsonderlike sakeleiers – hoe jy ’n bedreiging kan word vir dit wat jou bedreig. Aangesien hy glo dat aanpasbaarheid ’n vaardigheid is wat gekweek en gebruik moet word soos nodig, leer hy lesers om vreesloos op te tree.

Hy herinner jou daaraan dat jy iets kan doen aan die dinge wat in jou lewe gebeur. Dit sluit die besluite in wat jy neem, hoe jy optree en die gevolge daarvan. Hy beklemtoon dat jy die geleentheid het om op te tree in enige situasie waarin jy jouself bevind. Jy is nie die slagoffer nie. Jy is nie net ’n passiewe ontvanger van wat in jou lewe gebeur nie.

Boonop daag hy jou ook uit om bo die vlak van jou uitdagings te styg, maar verwag nie dat jy dit alleen moet doen nie. Hy verskaf die gereedskap wat nodig is om die beste te maak van jou dapperheid, doel, gevoelens, optrede en vermoë om jou denke te herkalibreer.

Jy word bedreig en moet iets daaraan doen. Dit is nie net ’n opsie nie, dit is ’n verantwoordelikheid. As jy versuim om op hierdie dreigemente te reageer, faal jy jouself en die mense rondom jou en jou potensiaal gaan verlore. Ons gee dikwels op wanneer ons met swaarkry gekonfronteer word. Ons kies bewustelik of onbewustelik om onskadelik te wees. En ’n onskadelike lewe, is glad nie ’n lewe nie. DANGEROUS herinner jou dat jy formidabel kan wees in tye van onsekerheid en wanneer jy bedreig word. Trouens, oefen jy hoe jy dink, voel en optree sodat jy ’n bedreiging vir die bedreiging en ’n gevaar vir die gevaar kan word. Jy kan weer gevaarlik wees”, verduidelik Erik.

DANGEROUS gaan daaroor om beheer terug te neem en jou mag te gebruik. Dit is van toepassing op almal, van verpleegsters tot pastore, ouers, uitvoerende hoofde, entrepreneurs, onderwysers en paartjies. Ons behoort almal gevaarlik te wees. Ons moet almal optree op maniere wat ons in staat stel om die bedreigings wat ons in die gesig staar te oorkom. Wanneer ons dít doen, is ons ook besig om diegene na wie ons omsien te beskerm.

As jy doeltreffend wil optree teen die bedreigings in jou lewe, en as jy daarin belangstel om nie net die uitdagings en struikelblokke wat die lewe op jou pad plaas te omhels nie, maar om hulle te sien vir wat hulle werklik is, dan is hierdie boek jou beste gids.

Ek onthou nog die eerste keer wat Erik sy idee met my gedeel het om gevaarlik te wees teenoor dit wat jou bedreig. Dit het dadelik my manier van dink verander en my veggees aangewakker – om gevaarlik te wees motiveer my om nie weer te verval in my ou denkpatrone nie. Ek beveel aan dat jy die boek lees om te verstaan watter impak hierdie denkwyse en benadering op jou lewe kan hê”. – John Sanei: topverkoper-skrywer, internasionale spreker, besigheidsadviseur

Dangerous nooi jou uit om beter, sterker en vinniger te wees. Om gevaarlik te wees.


Erik Kruger is ’n internasionale spreker, skrywer en fasiliteerder wat ander leiers help om uit te blink in moderne tye.

Dié denkleier is ook mede-aanbieder van ’n gewilde potgooi, The Expansive, saam met die topverkoper-skrywer, John Sanei.

Hy het verskeie grade aan die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand (WITS) verwerf, insluitend ’n BSc in Fisioterapie, ’n Nagraadse Diploma in Bestuur, en ’n meestersgraad in Bestuur en Uitvoerende Afrigting.

Gedurende sy leeftyd, moes hy homself al verskeie kere herontdek en -vestig. Hy het gegroei van ’n fisioterapeut na die stigter van Suid-Afrika se grootste selfontwikkelingsgemeenskap vir mans tot die werk wat hy vandag doen; ’n reis wat geïnspireer is deur sy natuurlike vermoë om nuwe maniere te vind om ou waarhede oor te dra.

Wanneer hy nie besig is om te werk nie, geniet hy lekker koffie en whiskey en speel ’n graag gholf. Hy hou ook daarvan om motorfiets te ry, Xbox te speel en om met sy honde te gaan stap.

Erik woon tans in Somerset-Wes, saam met sy vrou en Duitse Herdershonde.

DANGEROUS is Erik se tweede boek.

Die tydsberekening van die boek is goed. Die mensdom het reeds oor die afgelope twee jaar geleer hoe om in oorlewingsmodus te wees. So ek hoop dat hierdie boek almal sal aanspoor om weer beheer te neem en dat hulle sal onthou dat oorlewing nie die enigste opsie is nie,” sluit hy af.

DANGEROUS word uitgegee deur Tracey McDonald Publishers en is beskikbaar in goeie boekwinkels en aanlyn by:
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By Andrew Germishuys

Founder of SAMDB | Actor | Armourer | Tech Enthusiast With over two decades in the film industry, I'm a seasoned actor and skilled armourer. I hold numerous certifications in acting and filmmaking, complemented by degrees and diplomas in IT and technology, giving me a unique blend of creative and technical expertise. When I'm not on set or in the workshop, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming and VR, fuelling my passion for cutting-edge technology. Connect with me: X / Twitter Facebook Instagram Mastodon Threads Explore my work on SAMDB IMDb