Ray Dylan Releases New Single And Music Video

“I wrote this song for Theuns Jordaan, who was a great mentor in my life. Unfortunately, he did not get the chance to record it. Last year, before his passing, I decided to record it myself and I am excited to share it with fans. If you listen carefully, you will hear his sound in the song,” reveals SAMA acclaimed musician and songwriter, Ray Dylan, about his latest single, which has just been released and is already spreading like wildfire.

VIR EENS IN MY LEWE is an Afrikaans pop song from his own pen that emphasizes how important it is to have love and stability in your life. A theme that is definitely relevant in the month of love and romance.

“The song is about a person who has found a definite direction in their life. We all go through difficult times at some point in our lives and this song is about finding direction and resolution when that happens,” he explains. “I am always inspired by my own experiences and for once in my life I know who I am.”

The music video was filmed at the Photo Factory in Boksburg and was produced by Vonk Musiek and CoolerBox Brothers.

“The venue boasts a variety of sets in one location, which made our lives a lot easier. We only had to walk about 100m to get to the next set,” the producers explain about their choice of venue.

After consulting with Ray, the team decided on a performance video that allows fans to sit back and enjoy the video or dance along to the catchy tune.

VIR EENS IN MY LEWE follows in the footsteps of Laaste Groet, which is still charting on several local radio stations, as well as By Jou Voete Lê, which has become quite popular on the dance floor over the past few months.

Ray has been working in the music industry for the past three decades and is best-known for hits like Hokaai Stoppie Lorrie, Dis Verby, Jessica, Hier binne klop ’n Boerehart, Angel-face, You’re My Everything, Vir Ewig Jonk, Uitbasuin, Hier Teen Jou Lyf and more.

He made his debut when he started performing with Bles Bridges at the age of twelve and has since mastered the art of speaking to fans’ hearts. Over the years, he has released several gold and double platinum albums and singles.   

He is currently working on two new albums and enjoys being back on stage after lockdown.

VIR EENS IN MY LEWE is a powerful track that combines the sound of two popular artists and stays with you long after hearing it for the first time. It invites you to sing along and reminds you that life works out the way it is supposed to.  

Download it here: https://linktr.ee/raydylan


Ray Dylan Vier Theuns Jordaan En Die Liefde Met Nuwe Enkelsnit

Ek het hierdie liedjie vir ’n groot mentor in my lewe, Theuns Jordaan, geskryf om op te neem wat hy nooit kans gekry het om te doen nie. Omdat dit goeie reaksie uitgelok het op konserte, het ek dit voor sy afsterwe opgeneem en om dit nou te kan vrystel, beteken vir my ontsettend baie. As ’n mens mooi luister sal jy die Theuns-aanslag hoor,” verklap die SAMA-bekroonde musikant and liedjieskrywer, Ray Dylan, oor sy nuutste enkelsnit wat pas vrygestel is en reeds besig is om soos ’n veldbrand te versprei.

VIR EENS IN MY LEWE is ’n Afrikaanse popsnit uit sy eie pen en is ’n liedjie wat beklemtoon hoe belangrik liefde en stabiliteit in ’n mens se lewe is. ’n Tema wat veral hierdie maand relevant is.

Die liedjie gaan oor ’n persoon wat ’n definitiewe rigting in hulle lewe gevind het. Enigiemand beleef soms wankelrige tye en hierdie snit beskryf hoe iemand in hierdie posisie beslissing/ rigting in hulle lewe gekry het,” verduidelik hy. “Ek skryf altyd uit lewenservaring en hierdie is maar net nog ’n voorbeeld van my lewe. Vir eens in my lewe weet ek wie ek is.”

Die musiekvideo is by Photo Factory in Boksburg verfilm en die produksie is deur Vonk Musiek en CoolerBox Brothers behartig.

Die venue het verskillende stelle op een perseel en dit het ons werk baie maklik gemaak. Die verste wat ons moes loop om by die volgende plek uit te kom, was 100m,” verklap die vervaardigers oor hoekom hulle die venue gekies het.

Nadat Ray en die span daaroor gesels het, het hulle besluit om ’n optrede-video te maak, sodat aanhangers die liedjie ten volle kan geniet en lekker daarop kan dans wanneer dit op die kassie verskyn.

VIR EENS IN MY LEWE volg in die voetspore van sy emosiebelaaide treffer, Laaste Groet, wat steeds op verskeie treffersparades pronk, asook By Jou Voete Lê wat dansvloere laat gons het oor die afgelope paar maande.

Ray is al vir meer as drie dekades in die musiekbedryf doenig en is veral bekend vir treffers soos Hokaai Stoppie Lorrie, Dis Verby, Jessica, Hier binne klop ’n Boerehart, Angel-face, You’re My Everything, Vir Ewig Jonk, Uitbasuin, Hier Teen Jou Lyf en meer.

Sedert hy op die ouderdom van twaalf saam met Bles Bridges begin optree het, het hy die kuns vervolmaak om met Afrikaners se harte te praat en verskeie goue- en dubbelplatinumstatus-albums en -liedjies uitgereik.

Tans werk hy aan twee nuwe albums wat hy binnekort wil uitreik en geniet hy dit om weer voor gehore te kan optree.

VIR EENS IN MY LEWE is ’n treffende liedjie wat twee top-kunstenaars se style kombineer en dadelik in jou kop vassteek. Dit nooi jou uit om saam te neurie en te onthou dat die lewe uitwerk soos wat dit moet.

Laai dit hier af: https://linktr.ee/raydylan


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Categorised as music

By Andrew Germishuys

Founder of SAMDB | Actor | Armourer | Tech Enthusiast With over two decades in the film industry, I'm a seasoned actor and skilled armourer. I hold numerous certifications in acting and filmmaking, complemented by degrees and diplomas in IT and technology, giving me a unique blend of creative and technical expertise. When I'm not on set or in the workshop, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming and VR, fuelling my passion for cutting-edge technology. Connect with me: X / Twitter Facebook Instagram Mastodon Threads Explore my work on SAMDB IMDb