Chereé Is Terug In Die Kollig Met Die Eerste Enkelsnit Van Haar Nuwe Album, Another Day

hereé, een van Suid-Afrika se mees geliefde vroulike kunstenaars, is terug in die kollig met die uitreiking van ’n splinternuwe enkelsnit, ANOTHER DAY; die eerste vrystelling vanaf haar langverwagte album met dieselfde naam. Hierdie lied dui nie net op ’n nuwe hoofstuk in Chereé se loopbaan nie, maar is ook ’n persoonlike reis terug na… Continue reading Chereé Is Terug In Die Kollig Met Die Eerste Enkelsnit Van Haar Nuwe Album, Another Day

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Chereé Returns to her Roots with First Single From Her New Album, “Another Day”

Chereé, one of South Africa’s most beloved female artists, is back in the spotlight with the release of her brand-new single, ANOTHER DAY – the first track from her long-awaited album of the same name. This song not only marks a new chapter in Chereé’s career but is also a personal journey back to her… Continue reading Chereé Returns to her Roots with First Single From Her New Album, “Another Day”

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Tae Africa Prepares For The Summer Season With Seasonal Two Track Single “Streetwise Too”

Following the release to his 2nd single of the year “PHOLAY” is rapper & songwriter, Tae Africa as he prepares to embrace the summer breeze with a brand new two track single titled “Streetwise Too” which features tracks “Madibuseng” & “Monate”. The single pack showcases a more light, relaxed and fun side to Tae Africa’s… Continue reading Tae Africa Prepares For The Summer Season With Seasonal Two Track Single “Streetwise Too”

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Postponement of “The Black Enigma Tour” at The South African State Theatre in Pretoria

It is with deep regret that we announce the unforeseen postponement of Zimkitha’s scheduled show “The Black Enigma Tour” at the South African State Theatre, set to take place on the 21st of September 2024, in Pretoria. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we reached a gradual decision mutually between Escopia, Zimkitha Enigma Music and… Continue reading Postponement of “The Black Enigma Tour” at The South African State Theatre in Pretoria

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Len Muller Se Musiekvideo Vir “Jy’s Okay” Is Nou Beskikbaar

Len Muller, "Jy's Okay" (photo - Willem Foster)

Len Muller het onlangs sy nuwe enkelsnit, JY’S OKAY, uitgereik. Die gewilde lied word reeds deur talle radiostasies gespeel, afgelaai op talle platforms en nou is die musiekvideo ook pas vrygestel! Nadat hy en sy vrou, Chanél Muller, deur ’n moeilike en hartseer tyd gegaan het, het hy JY’S OKAY geskryf in ’n poging om… Continue reading Len Muller Se Musiekvideo Vir “Jy’s Okay” Is Nou Beskikbaar

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Music Video of Len Muller’s New Single, “Jy’s Okay”, Now Available

Len Muller, "Jy's Okay" (photo - Willem Foster)

Len Muller recently released his new single, JY’S OKAY. The popular song is already featured on various radio stations, downloaded across multiple platforms, and now the music video has also been released! After going through a difficult and heartbreaking time with his wife, Chanél Muller, Len wrote JY’S OKAY in an attempt to comfort both… Continue reading Music Video of Len Muller’s New Single, “Jy’s Okay”, Now Available

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