The Film
In Die Laaste Tango, Hercules de Wet (Louw Venter) is a police detective obsessed with a string of murders, and on the point of burn-out. After an incident where he loses control of his emotions and beats a suspect, he is sent away to decompress. It is here, in Loxton, in the middle of The Karoo, that he meets Ella Winter (Antoinette Louw).
Both Hercules and Ella have certain ‘needs’ in their lives, and together they find they are able to complete each other, in the form of lessons from Ella on dancing the tango.
The two characters stories entwine, as do their lives, and needs. They are a small oasis of happiness to each other, even if they don’t realise it as first. As they distance themselves from their demons, so the real evil draws nearer. Basson (Stian Bam) has tracked down Hercules, and is now seeking revenge, following him all the way to Loxton.
In the guise of a dramatic thriller, there is at the heart of Die Laaste Tango, a true and tragic love story of two souls finding one-another.
The characters are expertly portrayed by a talented cast, and the setting lends itself to a feeling that you are in an entirely different world, until that reality comes crashing down as the antagonist arrives for the final showdown.
Die Laaste Tango, a phenomenal South African romance and tragedy.
Disc And Bonus Features
The disc is encoded at a high bitrate, and therefore shows no artefacts. It can also be scaled up via software to HD without any visible issues. Sound is good, and although it is encoded in 5.1, there is almost no use of the surrounds. This isn’t really something you would miss though, as you are more focussed on the intimacy of the scene presented, and not the environment they are in.
Dialogue is in Afrikaans, with the option of English subtitles. There are no bonus features on the disc at all.
Die Laaste Tango is available on disc now.