Controversial Series Imagines If Africa Ruled The World – Noughts + Crosses

“Over 700 years ago, the Aprican Empire invaded Europe. Aprica colonised the continent and reached as far as Albion. Albion has been under Aprican rule ever since.” So begins Noughts + Crosses, a controversial six-part BBC One series that has just started screening on Showmax and M-Net, with new episodes every Thursday night from 23:30.… Continue reading Controversial Series Imagines If Africa Ruled The World – Noughts + Crosses

Disney Postpones Movies Due To Caution Regarding Covid19

Due to the current Covid19 pandemic, and in an “abundance of caution”, the coming releases of Mulan, The New Mutants, and Antlers. They are currently looking at new potential dates, still in 2020. As this is a fluid, and developing issue, updates will be posted as they are issued.