TopDirector Corporation Advances Software-Driven IP Workflows With NDI

Last month NDI®, a Vizrt Group brand, announces its full support for software-driven IP workflows using NDI® with TopDirector Corporation. Joining the industry’s largest IP ecosystem of products and the rapidly expanding number of companies enabling IP-based customer workflows, TopDirector Corporation will integrate NDI into its switching and streaming solutions to be recognizable as a source by other NDI-enabled applications and devices connected to a standard Ethernet local area network.

NDI is a high-performance connectivity and control standard allowing NDI devices to operate on a single IP network to provide real-time, ultra-low latency video production. NDI 5 eliminates the need for costly direct connections, expansive cable runs, and infrastructure upgrades while turning every source into a destination instantly available anywhere on the network.

The TopDirector App uses the high quality and low latency of NDI 5 for up to 9 external inputs to turn an iPhone or iPad into a multi-cam production switcher. Additionally, NDI 5 components such as instant connection and Tally features create an impressive experience for every TopDirector App user.

“We are so excited that NDI now fully supports iOS/iPadOS,” said Jason Jiang, CEO and Lead Developer of TopDirector Corporation. “TopDirector is a multi-cam switcher app running on iOS/iPadOS. Today, NDI 5 brings us full live production capability to iOS and iPadOS devices for the first time, which means every iPad and iPhone user can download the TopDirector app from the App Store and produce their programs using a portable switching and live streaming solution— that is incredibly affordable and powerful.”

“Software-driven IP workflows have become ubiquitous in video production,” said Roberto Musso, Senior Product Manager, NDI. “NDI-enabled devices like TopDirector App exponentially increase the video sources available for live production creating efficiencies and opportunities for customers that did not previously exist. NDI is the most widely adopted IP technology on the market, epitomized by the millions of customers with access to it today.”

The NDI SDK is royalty-free for any company looking to establish IP workflows within their organization, or in the commercial products and applications they deliver.

By Andrew Germishuys

Founder of SAMDB | Actor | Armourer | Tech Enthusiast With over two decades in the film industry, I'm a seasoned actor and skilled armourer. I hold numerous certifications in acting and filmmaking, complemented by degrees and diplomas in IT and technology, giving me a unique blend of creative and technical expertise. When I'm not on set or in the workshop, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming and VR, fuelling my passion for cutting-edge technology. Connect with me: X / Twitter Facebook Instagram Mastodon Threads Explore my work on SAMDB IMDb