Sharine Barnard Releases A KILLER Of A Song And Video

Following the 2021 release of her third single and music video, Pray, the talented singer-songwriter and animal lover, Sharine Barnard, is back with a sensual new single.

Her latest track, KILLER, offers a captivating look at the contrasting elements that each woman is made of. The track, as the artist explains, was shaped and inspired by three main ideas. “Firstly, the song is about the different contrasting elements within a woman. It speaks about how we are actually very beautiful (inside and out), without sometimes really being appreciated for it,” she says. “Ironically, we are the good and the bad – we are everything you love and everything you hate; everything you want and don’t want at the same time.”

Secondly, it is about wearing the scars created by the wounds of life and bouncing back stronger and more passionate every time you fall. “No matter what life throws at us, we always rise above our challenges full of fire.”

Lastly, the song reflects on what we (as women) are and what we are expected to be. “We are mothers, lovers, workers, speakers, listeners and sensual, sexy beings who are expected to juggle all aspects of our lives without ever feeling or looking tired. We worry about our families and take care of them, without wanting anything more than their love and appreciation in return,” she says. KILLER represents our inner and outer beauty even though we set a very high bar of expectations for ourselves as well. We must never lose sight of that beauty we own by just being ‘woman’.”

According to Sharine, the song boasts a striking combination of quotes that are relevant to the issues addressed in the song. “My eldest daughter and I love to speak in quotes. When we talk about life, a quote would randomly make its way into our conversation,” she explains. “In the winter of 2021 we were sitting in front of the fireplace having a discussion and exchanging quotes. I was feeling a bit down that night and decided to write a song and implement some of these sayings that reflected the emotions I was experiencing at that time. Initially it was called “I”, because it was about my feelings and how ironic love and life actually is, but as it evolved, I decided that KILLER would be a more suitable title. I am a very philosophical person and I love to write about different aspects of life, how love and life are interpreted by different people and it what it means to them.”

While KILLER covers serious yet relatable issues lyrically, the tune is sensual, catchy and upbeat. “I think the song’s vibe will appeal to a broad audience. When I sat in front of the piano a few nights later to compose music for the song, I knew that I wanted it to be sexy and sensual, but also vibrant, provocative and conquering at the same time. The music had to tell the story on its own and reflect the irony of the lyrics.”

Sharine was born and raised in Jan Kempdorp, where she spent a carefree childhood. Although she has always loved music, it has not been the core focus of her life – she has spent the past 20 years raising children, creating a safe haven for lions and building various businesses. This changed during lockdown when the mother of four finally had time to sit down and take stock. She started writing about life and love, and soon there was no stopping her.

In addition to her love for music, Sharine, who is the co-owner of Bagamoya Wildlife Estate, is passionate about animals. She is also extremely enthusiastic about sport and health and is co-owner of an Ozone Therapy clinic, Ozone Clinic, that helps people be healthier. On weekends she works as chef in her own restaurant.

Despite her jam-packed schedule, which inevitably causes various challenges, the singer maintains a positive and upbeat outlook.

She is currently working on her next two singles and plans to keep enjoying the different elements of her life, while spreading a positive message with her music… and with KILLER she is well on her way to achieving this goal.

“In short, KILLER reflects beauty, intensity, brilliance of quotes and contrasting elements that are actually ironic. With this song you must read between the lines, appreciate the power of the lyrics, and understand the contrast and the truth of the message through life-experience,” she concludes.

The song is available for download here:

Sharine Barnard Inspireer Met Nuwe Enkelsnit, Killer

Na die suksesvolle vrystelling van haar derde enkelsnit en musiekvideo – Pray – in 2021, is die talentvolle sanger, liedjieskrywer en diereliefhebber, Sharine Barnard, terug in die kollig met ’n sensuele nuwe treffer.

Haar nuutste vrystelling, KILLER, ondersoek die kontrasterende eienskappe waaruit elke vrou bestaan. Die snit, verduidelik die kunstenaar, is geïnspireer deur drie verskillende idees. “Eerstens, gaan die liedjie oor die kontrasterende eienskappe in elke vrou. Dit gaan oor hoe vroue eintlik pragtig is (binne en buite), maar selde vir hierdie unieke skoonheid waardeer word,” deel sy. “Ironies genoeg versinnebeeld ons op dieselfde tyd die goeie en die slegte, ons is alles wat jy liefhet en haat, en alles wat jy wil hê en nie wil hê nie.”

Tweedens, gaan dit daaroor om die letsels van wonde wat die lewe uitdeel met trots te dra en om elke keer wanneer jy val sterker en met meer passie op te staan. “Jy moet altyd uitdagings oorkom, ongeag van wat die lewe na jou kant toe gooi.”

Laastens, reflekteer die liedjie op wie ons (as vroue) is en wat daar van ons verwag word om te wees. “Ons is ma’s, minnaresse, werkers, sprekers, luisteraars en sexy sensuele wesens waarvan verwag word om al die balle in die lug te hou, sonder om ooit moeg te lyk of voel. Ons bekommer ons oor ons gesinne, versorg hulle en bid vir hulle, sonder om veel meer as waardering terug te verwag,” sê sy. “KILLER verteenwoordig ons innerlike en uiterlike skoonheid, al stel ons hoë standaarde vir onsself. Ons moet nooit vergeet hoe mooi ‘vrou-wees’ ons maak nie.”

Volgens Sharine, bestaan die liedjie uit ’n versameling betekenisvolle aanhalings wat relevant is tot die temas wat in die liedjie aangespreek word. “Ek en my oudste dogter is mal daaroor om in aanhalings te praat. Wanneer ons filosofies raak oor die lewe, duik daar altyd een of meer gepaste aanhalings in ons gesprek op,” verduidelik sy. “In die winter van 2021 het ons een aand voor die kaggel gesit en aanhalings uitruil. Daardie aand het ek effens moedeloos gevoel, en besluit om ’n liedjie te skryf oor die emosies wat ek ervaar wat van hierdie sêgoed insluit. Oorspronklik, het ek die liedjie “I” genoem omdat dit oor my gevoelens en die ironie van liefde en die lewe gaan, maar later het ek besluit dat KILLER ’n meer gepaste titel sou wees. Ek is baie filosofies en hou daarvan om oor die lewe, wat dit vir mense beteken en hoe hulle dit interpreteer te skryf.”

Alhoewel KILLER se lirieke ernstige, universele, kwessies aanspreek, is die wysie sensueel en opgewek. “Ek dink dat die snit sal aanklank vind by ’n wye gehoor. Toe ek ’n paar aande later voor die klavier sit om die liedjie te komponeer, het ek geweet dat ek wou hê dat dit sexy en sensueel moes wees, maar terselfdertyd ook opgewek en inspirerend. Die musiek moes die storie vertel, maar ook die ironie van die lirieke weerspieël.”

Sharine het Jan Kempdorp grootgeword, waar sy ’n sorgvrye kinderlewe gehad het. Alhoewel sy altyd mal was oor musiek, was dit nie die hooffokus van haar lewe nie – sy het die afgelope twintig jaar kinders grootgemaak, ’n veilige hawe geskep vir leeus en ander groot katte en verskeie suksesvolle besighede gebou wat sy steeds bedryf. Dit het verander gedurende grendeltyd, toe hierdie ma van vier uiteindelik tyd gehad het om asem te skep en weer haar musiekpassie uit te leef. Sy het toe begin skryf oor die lewe en die liefde en die res is geskiedenis.

Buiten vir haar liefde vir musiek, is Sharine – wat die mede-eienaar is van Bagamoya Wildlife Estate – ook passievol oor diere. Sy is ook baie passievol oor sport en gesondheid en is mede-eienaar van ’n Osoonterapie-kliniek – Ozone Clinic – wat mense help om gesonder te wees. Naweke werk sy ook as sjef by haar eie restaurant.

Ten spyte van haar vol skedule, wat verskeie uitdagings bied, het die sangeres ’n positiewe uitkyk op die lewe.

Tans is sy besig om aan nog twee enkelsnitte te werk en beplan sy om aan te hou om die verskillende aspekte van haar lewe te geniet. Sy wil ook graag mense motiveer met haar musiek… en met KILLER kry sy dit beslis reg om aan hierdie doelwit te voldoen.

KILLER kombineer skoonheid, intensiteit, briljante aanhalings en kontrasterende elemente wat eintlik ironies is. Met hierdie liedjie, moet jy tussen die lyne lees, die krag van die lirieke waardeer en jou eie lewenservaring gebruik om die kontras en waarheid in die boodskap raak te sien en te verstaan,” sluit sy af.

Die liedjie is nou aanlyn beskikbaar. Kry dit hier:

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Categorised as music

By Andrew Germishuys

Founder of SAMDB | Actor | Armourer | Tech Enthusiast With over two decades in the film industry, I'm a seasoned actor and skilled armourer. I hold numerous certifications in acting and filmmaking, complemented by degrees and diplomas in IT and technology, giving me a unique blend of creative and technical expertise. When I'm not on set or in the workshop, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming and VR, fuelling my passion for cutting-edge technology. Connect with me: X / Twitter Facebook Instagram Mastodon Threads Explore my work on SAMDB IMDb