Forged in Fire
22 April
Mondays 20h15
Forged in Fire is ‘On the Road’ in season 10, crisscrossing America looking for the best blade smiths in the country. The show heads to world-renowned blacksmith shops and blade smithing schools across the US from North Carolina to Texas and Montana. The contestants are slowly whittled down for the chance to compete against other smiths from across America, to determine who will win the ultimate grand prize. Which smith will come out on top, becoming the first ever ‘Forged in Fire: On the Road’ champion, winning $20,000 for themselves and $10,000 in forging equipment for their shop?
Repeats: Tuesday 12h35
Alien Abduction: Answers
27 April
Saturday 19h25
This documentary film explores the phenomenon of alien abduction. Alien Abductions: Answers features Whitley Streiber, abductee and bestselling author, along with other compelling stories of recent documented alien abductions and worldwide
government cover-ups. Using new techniques of quantum hypno-therapy, the 2-hour special uncovers riveting answers and conclusions.
Repeats: Sunday 18h35
Royal Autopsy S2
28 April
Sundays 21h05
The series that brought royalty to the autopsy table is back to investigate more tales of dead monarchs. Combining modern forensic analysis, pathology experts, CSI techniques, historical investigation and dramatic reconstruction, we’ll re-examine the deaths of these rulers, separating the gruesome facts from wild fiction and retelling history in a gripping, shocking and enthralling way.Through the royal bodies we bring to the autopsy table, we will reveal not only how the sovereigns died, but also the world and the country in which they lived.
Repeats: Saturday 21h55