It has been some time since the events of the The Incredibles, and superheroes are now listed as illegal. Bob Parr / Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson – Gold) very much wants to get back into the game, but is left looking after the kids, Violet (Sarah Vowell), Dash (Huck Milner) and Jack-Jack (Eli Fucile), when Helen / Elastigirl (Holly Hunter – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Jackie) is offered a chance to make the superhero name great again.
It is clear that animation has come a long way in the fourteen years since The Incredibles, but with Incredibles 2 this is not just a technical improvement. The story and characters feel more rounded, and fleshed out. The story is enjoyable and engrossing, with more than enough for both young and old viewers, which is sure to keep most riveted.
One would expect nothing less than a top film from Disney / Pixar, and they do not disappoint with this one. Certainly one to own, and most definitely one to see.
Rewatch Value
The rewatch value of Incredibles 2 is likely a little higher for the younger viewer, owing to the barrage of little idiosyncrasies that come out in the main characters, and of course the many funny antics and situations. For an older audience, it would be the laughter and overall story. Either way, this is one film that can be watched over and over.
The disc is of a good technical quality, with a fun main feature. It is evident that those involved put thought into creating an impressive disc.
There is both a 2D and 3D version of the film included, each on it’s own disc. The 2D disc contains all of the bonus features, while the 3D one has only one of the short films included.
Incredibles 2 is available now, to purchase on disc, in South Africa.
Video is encoded at a high average bitrate. There are no visible artefacts on-screen. Colours are vibrant, with no visible colour bleed. Details in darker or faster paced scenes are good too.
Viewers with the necessary hardware or software could scale up to a larger or higher resolution screen, should they wish.
Audio is encoded at a high average bitrate, and presented in a DTS-HD 7.1, DTS-HD 5.1, and Dolby Digital 2.0 soundtrack, with a descriptive audio track for those requiring that option. The two short films in the bonus features also include this selection of audio soundtracks.
Dialogue is clear via the centre speaker, with great use made of the surround channels, especially in 7.1 mode. The audio soundscape is large, expanding the on-screen world, and drawing the viewer into the action. The sound design of the film is superb, bringing the world to life.
With so many well mixed audio options, the only thing missing would be an Atmos soundtrack.
Navigation is simple, and easy to follow. The disc has a motion background with drawings depicting the film’s characters. There is also accompanying music. Navigation is via a menu bar across the bottom of the screen, with options to play the main feature, bonus features, scene selection, set up, and sneak peeks.
The bonus features pop-up menu has a text listing of the various additional material included on the disc.
The scene selection pop-menu comprises of a series of medium sized, still, colour thumbnails, three on-screen at a time that allow the viewer to select a scene of their choosing. These are both numbered, and labelled. There is also a moving timeline below these, showing relative position in the overall film, as well as a time counter. This should all make things as easy as possible to find a particular chapter, from the total of thirty. The only way to navigate more precise, would be to use the bookmark function of one’s own hardware or software player.
The set up pop-up menu has three further text options, namely languages, subtitles, and Maximizer. The languages option branches to a list of audio languages (including English 7.1, 5.1, 2.0, and a descriptive audio track), as does the subtitles option. The Maximizer option gives the viewer a series of still screens with instructions on how to set up both screen and speakers, with test patterns and explanations, as well as audio tests. This is always something good to run when getting new home cinema gear, or any new hardware or software (including software drivers), to ensure one enjoys the film the best way possible on the given hardware.
The sneak peeks option plays a trailer for the upcoming Disney release of Mary Poppins Returns, and an advert for Disneyland Paris 25th anniversary.
Bonus Features
There are only a few bonus features on the disc. These few are all of a really top quality. It’s a pity there are so few, but these are fun additions. The included 3D disc only contains Bao, while the 2D disc contains all of the below.
Bao – A short film about a Chinese-Canadian woman suffering from empty nest syndrome. She gets a second shot at motherhood when one of her handmade dumplings comes alive, and we get to follow her daily routine encountering some of the typical issues one has at every stage of having a child. Top quality, with a few laughs.
Auntie Edna – A funny short film showing the time Jack-Jack spent at Edna’s, something we do not get to see in the film, but now all is revealed. This is not just some extra insight to the main story, but a fun and amusing film. Sure to be enjoyed by viewers both young and old.
Strong Coffee: A Lesson In Animation With Brad Bird – The viewer is taken behind the scenes and gets a look at the whole animation creative process, with a peek at several stages of the workflow. Interviews with many of the filmmakers and animators provides lots of interesting insight for viewers and budding filmmakers alike. We also get to learn how Brad Bird got the label of Strong Coffee.
Feature Commentary – One of the audio soundtracks provides a commentary with writer / director Brad Bird (Tomorrowland: A World Beyond), supervising animator Dave Mullins (Cars 3, Inside Out), supervising animator Alan Barillaro (Monsters University), additional story artist / character designer Tony Fucile, and animation second unit & crowds supervisor Bret Parker.
The team give an in depth talk on each of their respective jobs, how the team worked together, and a lot of insight on the whole process of animation, and making an animated film. A great addition for any viewer, or budding animator or filmmaker.
Info – Not really a bonus feature, but the usual text disclaimer about interviews and peoples opinions, etc. Not really something we would want to constantly access, but it’s there for the lawyer types.
Packaging is standard, with a poster on the front of the case. The back has a short synopsis, some stills from the film and bonus features, as well as the usual technical info and logos.