Sharine Barnard Releases New Single, PRAY!

During challenging times, when we are faced with tough decisions or when our troubles seem insurmountable, it is easy to wonder about God’s purpose for us and to question His plan. But a brand-new single is reminding us to walk by faith.

PRAY, the third single by singer-songwriter Sharine Barnard, is about having unconditional faith in God’s plan for our lives. “Sometimes we have a vision for our lives which does not necessarily equate to God’s plan for us, and we often live in fear because of big decisions we need to make,” says Sharine. PRAY assures us of God’s love and offers us peace of mind. It tells us not to fear the future because He is walking ahead of us and all we need to do is believe.”

The song came to Sharine in a dream. “In my dream I was standing in front of a large crowd who came together in praise and worship, and I was singing PRAY. I woke up, jotted down the notes and lyrics on my phone, and went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I made some coffee and as always settled in front of the piano while everyone was still asleep. The song simply flowed out and it was perfect. It was a scripture given to me in answer to my worries; it made me calm and I realised that everything was going to be okay.”

Written and composed by Sharine and produced by André de Jager of 2 Tone Records, the Cristian-Pop song is unlike her previous releases. “All my songs tell a story and are carefully crafted, not just in terms of the story, but also the format and instruments used. But of all the songs I have written, PRAY is my favourite,” she shares. “During these challenging times I think people are hungry for hope, and this song offers comfort and assurance that everything is going to be okay. Whatever your situation, wherever you are in the world, and whatever challenges you face, there is always hope.”

The music video for PRAY, filmed at 2 Tone Studio by Belinda de Jager, portrays Sharine’s daily life. “I didn’t want to pretend to be something I am not, so the video reflects exactly who I am. It offers a glimpse into my life – unglamourous in boots and khakis, feeding lions and wild cats and getting covered in mud and slobber. My days are packed and there is no time for pretence. What you see, is who I am.”

The message she wants to convey through the video is to be unapologetically yourself. “I realise that there are many people just like me who put immense pressure on themselves to ensure that everything in their lives is running perfectly despite feeling overwhelmed sometimes. We fear that everything will come tumbling down if we relax or make the wrong decision. But fear steals our joy and inner peace. We should stop putting so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. Instead, we should have faith like children.”

She adds: “People today, especially the youth, are under so much pressure to be perfect. The lengths they go to appear flawless on social media is astounding! This video tells people that it is perfectly okay to be your imperfect self.”

Sharine was born and raised in Jan Kempdorp, where she spent a carefree childhood. It was during her school years that she was inspired by her music teacher, who shared her passion for music and who encouraged her to express that passion.

Although she has always loved music, it has not been the core focus of her life – she has spent the past 20 years raising children, creating a safe haven for lions and building various businesses. This changed during lockdown when the mother of four finally had time to sit down and take stock. She started writing about life and love, and soon there was no stopping her.

“Many people understand that feeling of trying to be everything for everyone all the time. But losing my father made me realise that we only have one life and that we need to live it fully and passionately. We must make time for the things that are important to us and the things we enjoy.”

She is inspired by life and all its facets – love, joy, and success, but also disappointment and despair. “There is a place and time for everything. We may go through different experiences and emotions at different times in our lives, but whatever we are going through, music is always there.”

In addition to her love for music, Sharine, who is the co-owner of Bagamoya Wildlife Estate, is passionate about animals. Her father was a crop farmer, who also farmed cattle and she was forever rescuing birds and monkeys as a child. However, she never thought she would get to work with lions and tigers. “Once you get to know these amazing animals you want to take care of them for the rest of your life. Like children, they each have a unique personality. If you offer respect, love, time, attention, patience, and discipline, that is what you receive in return,” she says.

Sharine is also extremely enthusiastic about sport and health and has Springbok Colours in athletics and more. A keen biathlete and triathlete, she lives a very active lifestyle and is co-owner of an Ozone Therapy clinic, Ozone Clinic, that helps people be healthier. On weekends she works as chef in her own restaurant.

A firm believer in the idea that music can change the world, the singer-songwriter says that she only has one goal with PRAY. “I want to share a message of hope and reassurance to anyone and everyone. Everything will be okay. You will be okay.”

PRAY is available for download here:

Sharine Barnard Se Nuwe Enkelsnit “Pray” Gaan Oor Onvoorwaardelike Geloof In God Se Plan Vir Ons Lewens

In swaar tye, wanneer ons moeilike besluite moet maak en ons probleme oorweldigend voel, is die maklik om te wonder oor God se plan vir ons. Maar’n splinternuwe geestelike liedjie is pas uitgereik om ons te herinner om aan te hou glo en vertrou.

PRAY, die derde enkelsnit deur die begaafde sanger en liedjieskrywer – Sharine Barnard – gaan oor onvoorwaardelike geloof in God se plan vir ons lewens. “Soms het ons ’n visie vir ons lewe wat nie noodwendig ooreenstem met God se plan nie en is ons geneig om in vrees te leef oor die uitkoms wanneer belangrike besluite geneem moet word,” sê Sharine. PRAY verseker ons van God se liefde en stel ons gerus. Dit vermaan ons om nie bang te wees vir wat die toekoms inhou nie, want daar is Iemand wat voor ons loop en al wat ons moet doen is glo.”

Die liedjie het in ’n droom na Sharine toe gekom. “Ek het een aand gedroom ek staan voor ’n groot skare wat vir lofprysing bymekaar gekom het, en ek het PRAY gesing. Toe ek wakker word, het ek die woorde en note daarvan op sy selfoon getik en verder geslaap. Die volgende oggend het ek koffie gemaak en oudergewoonte voor die klavier gaan sit terwyl almal nog slaap. Waar enige ander lied deeglik bedink en aan geskaaf moes word, het PRAY net gevloei. Dit was soos ’n Skriflesing wat vir my gegee is as antwoord op my kwelvrae; dit het my kalm en rustig gemaak en ek het besef dat alles reg sal uitwerk.”

Sharine het die liedjie self geskryf en gekomponeer, terwyl André de Jager van 2 Tone Records dit vervaardig het, en sy erken dat dit baie van haar vorige werk verskil. “Al my liedjies vertel ’n storie en is versigtig aanmekaar gesit, nie net wat die storielyn aanbetref nie, maar ook wat die formaat en instrumente behels. PRAY is egter my gunsteling,” deel sy. “Ek dink mense is honger vir hoop en hierdie liedjie bied die nodige hoop en gerusstelling dat alles oukei gaan wees. Watookal jou situasie is, waarookal jy in die wêreld is en ongeag van wat jou situasie is, daar is altyd hoop.”

Die musiekvideo, wat deur Belinda de Jager by 2 Tone Records se ateljee verfilm is, vang ’n normale dag in Sharine se lewe vas. “Ek hou nie daarvan om iets voor te gee wat ek nie is nie, so die video wys vir mense wie ek is. Dit wys hoe my lewe is – ek in my stewels en kakieklere wat vuil en vol spoeg is van leeus en katte kosgee. My dae is propvol en daar is nie tyd vir voorgee nie. Dit wat jy sien, is wie ek is.”

Die boodskap wat sy graag hierdeur wil weergee, is om net jouself te wees. “Ek weet daar is baie mense, wat net soos ek, baie druk op hulleself sit om seker te maak dat alles in ons lewens soos ’n goed geoliede masjien moet loop en dit kan soms oorweldigend wees. Ons is bang dat die masjien sal oppak of wanfunksioneer as ons ’n bietjie ontspan of besluite neem wat nie baie deeglik deurdink is nie. Maar op die ou einde steel vrees ons geluk en innerlike vrede. Ons moenie soveel druk op onsself sit om alles perfek te doen, of om perfek te wees nie, maar probeer glo soos ’n kind dat ons nie alleen in beheer is van alles nie en dat alles reg sal uitwerk as jou hart op die regte plek is.”

Sy voeg by: “Deesdae is daar baie druk op mense, en veral jongmense, om iets te wees wat hulle nie is nie. Dit is verstommend om te sien tot watter uiterstes hulle gaan om op sosiale media in te pas. Hierdie video is juis so gemaak om vir iemand daar buite te sê dat dit oukei is om net jouself te wees.”

Sharine het Jan Kempdorp grootgeword, waar sy ’n sorgvrye kinderlewe gehad het. Gedurende haar skooljare, is sy deur ’n musiekonderwyseres – wat haar passie vir musiek gedeel het – geïnspireer en aangemoedig om haar passie uit te leef.

Alhoewel sy altyd mal was oor musiek, was dit nie die hooffokus van haar lewe nie – sy het die afgelope twintig jaar kinders grootgemaak, ’n veilige hawe geskep vir leeus en ander groot katte en verskeie suksesvolle besighede gebou wat sy steeds bedryf. Dit het verander gedurende grendeltyd, toe hierdie ma van vier uiteindelik tyd gehad het om asem te skep en weer haar musiekpassie uit te leef. Sy het toe begin skryf oor die lewe en die liefde en die res is geskiedenis.

Baie mense verstaan hoe dit voel om altyd daar te wees vir almal. Nadat ek my pa verloor het, het ek besef dat ons net een lewe het en dat ons dit ten volle, en met passie, moet leef. Ons moet tyd maak vir die dinge wat vir ons belangrik is en wat ons geniet.”

Sy put inspirasie uit die lewe en al sy fasette – liefde, geluk, en sukses, maar ook teleurstelling en hartseer. “Daar is ’n tyd en ’n plek vir alles. Ons beleef verskillende dinge en emosies op verskillende tye in ons lewens, maar ongeag van waardeur ons gaan, is musiek altyd daar.”

Buiten vir haar liefde vir musiek, is Sharine – wat die mede-eienaar is van Bagamoya Wildlife Estate – ook passievol oor diere. Haar pa was ’n saaiboer wat ook met beeste geboer het en, as kind, was sy altyd besig om voëltjies en ape te red. Sy het egter nooit gedink dat sy die geleentheid sou kry om met leeus en tiere te werk nie.

As jy eers die voorreg gehad het om met hierdie ongelooflike diere te werk, wil jy nooit weer iets anders doen nie. Net soos kinders, het elkeen van hulle ’n unieke persoonlikheid. As jy hulle respekteer en hulle met die nodige liefde, aandag, geduld en dissipline hanteer, is dit wat jy ook van hulle af sal kry,” sê sy.

Sharine is ook baie lief vir sport – sy het immers Springbokkleure in atletiek en meer – en glo daaraan om gesond te leef. Hierdie kranige twee- en driekampatleet het ’n baie aktiewe leefstyl en bestuur, saam met haar vennoot, ’n Osoonterapie-kliniek – Ozone Clinic – om mense te help om gesonder te wees. Naweke werk sy ook as sjef by haar eie restaurant.

Sharine glo dat musiek die wêreld kan verander en volgens haar was dit ook haar doel met PRAY. “Ek wil hoop en bemoediging gee aan almal wat dit nodig het. Alles sal reg uitwerk. Jy sal Oukei wees.”

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By Andrew Germishuys

Founder of SAMDB | Actor | Armourer | Tech Enthusiast With over two decades in the film industry, I'm a seasoned actor and skilled armourer. I hold numerous certifications in acting and filmmaking, complemented by degrees and diplomas in IT and technology, giving me a unique blend of creative and technical expertise. When I'm not on set or in the workshop, you'll find me immersed in the world of gaming and VR, fuelling my passion for cutting-edge technology. Connect with me: X / Twitter Facebook Instagram Mastodon Threads Explore my work on SAMDB IMDb